Binary Search applies to many problems on Codeforces. These problems can be framed as – find the largest $x \in [n]$ for which $f(x)$ is true. If $f$ has the monotonicity property:

\[f(x) \Rightarrow f(x - 1)\]

Then we can binary search for the largest $x$. This helps when evaluating $f$ on each $x$ is prohibitively expensive. When monotonicity holds, we can guess $O(lg n)$ $x$’s and evaluate $f$ on just those to find the largest.

Keshi Is Throwing a Party

This is an example where Binary Search yields a simple and efficient solution. In a nutshell, we are given $[n]$ and two arrays $a_1 \cdots a_n$, $b_1 \cdots b_n$. We have to find the largest set $S \subseteq [n]$ that satisfies – for all $i \in S$, there are at most $a_i$ elements in $S$ which are greater than $i$ and at most $b_i$ elements in $S$ which are lesser than $i$.

For example:

# assume for now that arrays are 1-indexed
n = 3
a = [1, 2, 1]
b = [2, 1, 1]

Then $S = \{1, 2\}$ is a valid subset.

The key to solving this problem is that the question – does a valid set of size $x$ exists? – has the monotonicity property. If a valid set of size $x$ exists, simply remove the last element and obtain a valid set of size $x - 1$.

# returns true if a valid set of size x exists
# def checker (x) : 
#   ...
l, r = 1, n 
while l < r : 
  m = (l + r) / 2
  if checker(m + 1) : 
    l = m + 1
  else :
    r = m


Finally, we can write checker using a simple greedy strategy. We build the set $S$ by scanning through $1 \cdots n$ and greedily adding the first $i$ to $S$ that satisfies $|S| \leq b_i$ and $x - (|S| + 1) \leq a_i$. If at the end of the scan, $|S| < x$, we report that that a size $x$ valid set doesn’t exist.

Why does checker correct? If checker is incorrect, that means that for some $x$, there is a valid $S$ of that size $x$ but checker only finds $S’$ and $|S’| = k < x$.

\[S = \{i_1, \cdots, i_x\}\] \[S' = \{j_1, \cdots, j_k\}\]

Let $l$ be the smallest index where $S$ and $S’$ differ. There has to be some $l \in [k]$ for which $i_l \neq j_l$ because otherwise checker would have extended $S’$. Since checker picks the earliest item to add to the set: $j_l < i_l$. Both $j_l$ and $i_l$ satisfy the validity condition.

\[l - 1 \leq b[j_l]\] \[l - 1 \leq b[i_l]\] \[x - l \leq a[j_l]\] \[x - l \leq a[i_l]\]

Hence we can replace $i_l \in S$ by $j_l$. The new set $S^{(1)} = S - \{i_l\} + \{j_l\}$ is still valid. Repeating this process $k - l + 1$ times gives us $S^{(k - l + 1)}$ for which no $l \in [k]$ exists where $S^{(k - l + 1)}$ and $S’$ differ. But such an $l$ has to exist and so we reach a contradiction, proving that checker is correct.

I’ll end the story here. Here is my submission on Codeforces. In summary, under certain conditions, Binary Search allows us to convert an optimization problem (find the largest x for which …) into a decision problem (does there exist an x for which …). When applicable, Binary Search introduces only a small multiplicative $O(lg n)$ overhead over the underlying decision problem.

I’m slightly disappointed that I haven’t been able to find an efficient dynamic-programming solution to this problem. If anyone knows of one, please tell me!